CSDE Computational Demography Working Group Hosts Peter D. Smits
Posted: 11/12/2021 (CSDE Research)
This week, Peter D. Smits will join the CDMG Meeting to speak about his work as a Senior Applied Scientist at Truveta, a healthcare data startup based in Seattle. He was previously at Amazon’s Advertising division (2020-2021). He holds a PhD from the Committee on Evolutionary Biology, University of Chicago (2017), and was a postdoc at UC Berkeley in Integrative Biology (2017-2019). His training is in paleobiology and macroevolutionary biology; his academic work focused on analyzing macroevolutionary and macroecological patterns in the fossil record. His primary interests are Bayesian statistics; multilevel/hierarchical modeling; working with longitudinal, survival and count data; data science (especially working in R); and tabletop role-playing games.
Join this meeting on Wednesday, 11/17/2021, from 2:00 – 3:00 PM PT via THIS Zoom link.
CDWG meets via Zoom; its calendar of events can be found here.